Make a Donation
Donating from the UK?
If you are donating from the UK, please use the JustGiving service online. If you are a UK taxpayer, GiftAid can be claimed automatically.
Donating from the USA?
Hue Help has been recognised as a non-profit in the USA by equivalency. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, please get in touch and we can assist you.
Donate in Vietnam
You can send money in VND directly to our bank account in Vietnam, here:
Account Name: Hue Help
Account No. (VND): 9999902261987
Bank name: Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB Bank) – Hue Branch.
If you make a donation by bank transfer, please put your name and email in the description if possible – or send us an email with details – so we can issue you a receipt!
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