This year Hue Help and Nordic Assistance to Vietnam (NAV) worked together to teach swimming in regional areas around Hue. During “Swim towards Disaster Risk Reduction” 119 school teachers learnt how to teach elementary aged school children water safety, swimming and first aid skills. Following these teacher courses 1,800 children from 31 local schools in Central Vietnam’s most frequently flooded areas were taught how to swim and be safe around water. Thankfully the courses finished before the rainy season arrives in Hue! The courses were informative and fun, and one child mentioned “I am greatly interested in swimming. I wish that swimming will soon become a main subject to be taught in school so that I together with my classmates can have more chance to practice.” These courses are vitally important in a country where 30 children drown each day.
We would like to thank our partners NAV who funded the collaborative, and the Swimming Teacher Association in the UK who kindly provided a swimming tutor, Mr Garry Seaghers, for a highly successful swimming programme.