Fundraise for Hue Help!


Help fundraise for Hue Help, wherever you are!

Fundraising for Hue Help


There’s lots of ways you can help raise funds for Hue Help! All of the funds raised will be used to help improve the health, education and future prospects of children in Vietnam.

If you are planning on running a fundraising event for Hue Help, please get in touch! We can help you with a range of promotional materials and may also be able to help promote your event.  


Looking for ideas? Here’s a couple of websites for inspiration!

* CauseVox – 101+ Fundraising Ideas

* EventBrite – 100 Unique Fundraising Ideas

If none of these ideas work for you please get in touch!

Create a Fundraising Page!

Create a free fundraising page with JustGiving to raise funds online. 

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