Splashing around with 2014 Swimming for Safety

19 Jun, 2014

With the school holidays and summer arriving it is time again for our Swimming for Safety programme. This year 11 Phu Loc schools are participating with 120 students being taught to swim per school by our STA trained swimming tutors. Thanks to kind supporters such as Laguna Lang Co, BBGV, and private donations we are proud to be teaching even more children to swim in 2014 than previous SFS programmes. The DSC_0460photos show the children practicing water survival and rescue techniques so that they may be able to help their friends and family who do not know how to swim, and some boys from a Phu Loc school learning the freestyle stroke. In addition to the swimming classes we also arrange workshops the refresh the knowledge of our swimming tutors and to share suggestions to improve the program each year. Keep an eye on our Facebook page to see updates and more photos of this year’s Swimming for Safety programme.

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